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2023/12/09 |
Does self-reliance really promote refugees’ autonomy? The case of Japan (Webinar Workshop, Re-examining Refugee Self-reliance)
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2023/06/27 |
EU-CoE relationship on terrorism prevention: cooperation, competition, and contestation (29th International Conference for Europeanists)
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2023/05/26 |
Inter-organizational approach to accountability: EU-IOM-UNHCR relations and human rights of people on the move (International workshop, "Externalisation of Migration Controls and Accountability Challenges in International Law")
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2022/07/25 |
Ukrainian Refugees and the EU: Institutions and Politics of Refugee Reception (Seminar of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
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2021/11/07 |
The Dynamics of EU's Pushback Policy: Possibilities and Limits of EU Constitutionalism (EU Studies Association in Japan)
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2021/03/21 |
The case for ‘global contestatory democracy’: Individuals’ contestation against global governance (The Future of Struggling Liberalism and the United Nations: East Asian Perspective in the Age of COVID-19)
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2020/08/26 |
EU-IOM-UNHCR Relations and Human Rights of Migrants: Subcontract or Contestation? (European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Virtual General Conference 2020)
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2020/02/13 |
The Emergence of EU-IOM Relations: A New Agenda (神戸セミナー)
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2018/11/02 |
Inter-organizational Relations and European Institutions: Human Rights Protection in Criminal Cooperation (日本国際政治学会)
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2018/09/14 |
How do courts look into another state? Information and mutual trust in practice (Conference "Procedural Rights in the Criminal Proceedings in the EU")
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2017/07/02 |
Information and Mutual Trust: Inter-organizational Relations in the AFSJ (EU Studies Association Asia Pacific (EUSA-AP))
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2017/03/17 |
The EU in inter-organizational relations: From ‘inward-looking’ toward ‘intersecting’ legitimation (12th Graduate Student Conference on the European Union)
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2016/11/21 |
Inter-organizational contestation and the EU: A Janus-faced actor in human rights protection (PhD Research Seminar)
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2016/05/09 |
Inter-organizational relations and the EU: Dynamics in human rights protection in Europe and beyond (JCMS Workshop)
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2015/11/27 |
Coordination through Resistance against the Security Council: The role of regional organizations in targeted sanctions against alleged terrorists (5th Biannual Conference of Asian Society of International Law)
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2015/09/25 |
EU’s Multi-dimensional Influences on the UN Security Council: The EU’s role in the introduction of due process to targeted sanctions (Workshop “Global Governance Transformed: Explaining the Nexus between the EU and International Organizations”)
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2014/02/17 |
Inter-Institutional Relationship between the EU and the CoE: Its Theoretical Implications for Constitutional Pluralism (EU Centres Graduate Research Workshop)
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