サタケ ヨシホ   SATAKE Yoshiho
  佐竹 由帆
   所属   青山学院大学  経済学部 共通教育・外国語科目
   職種   教授
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2023/12
形態種別 学術雑誌
査読 査読あり
標題 The effects of corpus use on learning L2 collocations of light verbs and nouns
執筆形態 単独
掲載誌名 Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research
巻・号・頁 4(2),pp.41-55
総ページ数 15
概要 This study investigated how data-driven learning (DDL) aids in learning English light verbs among 29 Japanese university students. Focusing on six common light verbs, the students used worksheets for nine weeks to learn verb-noun collocations, aided by Wordbanks Online. The study measured effectiveness through pre-tests, immediate post-tests, and delayed post-tests. Results indicated that DDL significantly improved knowledge of light verbs and noun collocations, with varying effects across different verbs. The study suggests that both worksheet engagement and concordance line observation are crucial for memorizing these collocations.
DOI https://doi.org/10.22925/apjcr.2023.4.2.41
PermalinkURL https://doi.org/10.22925/apjcr.2023.4.2.41
researchmap用URL https://doi.org/10.22925/apjcr.2023.4.2.41