Department   Aoyama Gakuin University  Department of English, College of Literature
   Position   Professor
Language English
Publication Date 2014/09
Peer Review Peer reviewed
Title メンタルスペースの構築:左の周辺部の談話標識の機能と、日本語の左と右の周辺部についての観察
Contribution Type Single
Journal 『左と右の周辺部の談話機能:言語使用と言語変化の異言語間研究』
Volume, Issue, Page pp.92-116
Details The contributions to this volume were presented at the workshop on "right periphery" at IPrA 2011 in Manchester, UK. The workshop was organized by L. Degand and E. Traugott. This volume is co-edited by Kate Beeching and Ulrich Detges.