Department   Aoyama Gakuin University  Department of English, College of Literature
   Position   Professor
Language English
Publication Date 2016
Invitation Invited paper
Title Special Issue: Periphery -- Diachronic and Cross-Linguistic Approaches
Contribution Type Collaboration
Journal Journal of Historical Pragmatics
Journal TypeAnother Country
Publisher John Benjamins
Volume, Issue, Page 17(2),pp.1-337
Total page number 337
Responsible for 特集号1冊の編集を担当。
Author and coauthor co-editors: Yuko Higashiizumi and Sung-Ock Sohn
Details This special issue of Journal of Historical Pragmatics offers the distinguished papers of which original forms were presented at workshops, "Cross-Linguistic Approach to Form-Function-Periphery Mapping: With a Special Focus on 'Exchange Structure' and 'Action Structure'" (organized by Higashiizumi and Onodera) and "The Pragmatic Role of Elements at Right Periphery" (organized by Traugott and Degand), IPrA 2013 (New Delhi).