Department   Aoyama Gakuin University  Department of English, College of Literature
   Position   Professor
Language English
Publication Date 2022/08
Invitation Invited paper
Title Section 3.5 Discourse markers and grammaticalization (local pragmatic research)
Contribution Type Single
Journal East Asian Pragmatics: Commnalities and Variations.
Journal TypeAnother Country
Publisher Routledge
Responsible for Section 6.5とSection 3.5
Authorship Corresponding author
International coauthorship International coauthorship
Author and coauthor Xinren Chen and Doreen Wu (eds.)
Details 初の日中韓3か国による、語用論論文集。語用論の基礎的トピックを網羅し、3言語に分かれて、執筆。小野寺は、日本人執筆者約10名の原稿をまとめ、日本チームの編集を行った。