Department   Aoyama Gakuin University  Department of English, College of Literature
   Position   Professor
Language English
Publication Date 2026/03
Invitation Invited paper
Title Reconsidering grammar: what hypothetical process accounts for the development of discourse markers?
Contribution Type Single
Journal Language history: sociolinguistic, pragmatic, and political.
Journal TypeAnother Country
Publisher Universitatsverlag Winter
Authorship Lead author
International coauthorship International coauthorship
Author and coauthor 編者はMegumi Sato, Hirofumi Hosokawa, and Stephan ElspaB.
Details 学習院大学 ドイツ語研究の高田博行先生の退官論文集。ハイデルベルグの伝統的出版社からの出版となる(英語・独語論文集)。