(最終更新日:2024-06-03 17:42:12)
  ランバッカー スティーヴン ジョージ   LAMBACHER, Stephen G.
  LAMBACHER, Stephen G
   所属   青山学院大学  社会情報学部 社会情報学科
   職種   教授
■ 基幹教員
■ 担当科目
■ 専門分野及び関連分野
第二言語教育, 認知科学, TESOL, CALL, American Studies (キーワード:Cognitive Science, TESOL, CALL, American Studies) 
■ 学歴・学位
1. Ohio University, BA (History)
2. Miami University, MA (History)
3. Ball State University, MA (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)
4. 中京大学 博士(認知科学)
■ 職歴
1. 1993/04~2008/03 会津大学 コンピュータ理工学部, 言語研究センター 助教授・准教授
2. 2008/04~2014/03 青山学院大学 社会情報学部 社会情報学科 准教授(専任待遇)
3. 2014/04~2019/03 青山学院大学 社会情報学部 社会情報学科 准教授
4. 2019/04~ 青山学院大学 社会情報学部 社会情報学科 教授
■ 所属学会
1. 1993/04~2015/03 Phonetic Society of Japan (PSJ)
2. 1993/04~2016/04 Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET)
3. 1993/09~2003/03 International Phonetic Association
4. 1993/09~2006/03 Acoustical Society of America
5. 1993/09~2006/03 Acoustical Society of Japan
1. 1984 Distinguished Professor 奨学金 (1984-85)
2. 1984 Phi Alpha Theta 優秀成績学生会会員 (1985-86は会長役に勤めた)
3. 1985 Ohio University Distinguished History Award
4. 1986 Evan's Latin Prize (エヴァンのラテン賞)
5. 1986 Phi Beta Kappa (オハイオ州大学最優秀成績賞) (Lambda Chapter)
■ 学生指導及び学内行政分担
1. 2024/04/01~2026/03/31 青山学院大学 外国語ラボラトリー主任(相模原キャンパス)
■ 社会的活動
1. 2017/04~ Journal of the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology (English editor)
2. 2012/07~ Computer Assisted Language Learning (reviewer)
3. 2012~ Journal of the School of Social Informatics (English editor)
4. 2012~ Meiji University STEP English Society Final Speech Contest (judge)
5. 2004 Japan Association of Language Teachers, Pronunciation SIG Newsletter (editor)
■ 委員会・協会等
1. 2019/08~ Eurocall Conference Reviewer
2. 2019~ Emerald Group Publishing Reviewer
3. 2019~ John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reviewer
4. 2018/08~ The 2nd International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh2018) Reviewer
5. 2018/04~ JaltCALL Conference Reviewer
■ 研究業績(著書・論文等)
1. 著書  Exploring the impact of AI on EFL teaching in Japan. In J. Colpaert, & G. Stockwell (Eds.), Smart CALL: Personalization, contextualization, & socialization  pp.101-125 (共著) 2022/03 Link
2. 著書  Knowledge, learning, and skills in software systems development (chapter in Enterprise & Business Management book series)  Tectum Verlag, Germany,pp.37-107 (共著) 2017
3. 著書  Software engineering (chapter in Handbook of Curriculum Development, edited by Kattington, L.E).  255-277頁 (共著) 2010
4. 著書  Monitoring of emotion to create adaptive game for children with mild autistic (chapter in Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns).  326-333頁 (共著) 2007
5. 著書  Pronunciation teaching: Challenges, curricula design, computer aids (chapter in LINCOM Studies in Second Language Teaching; ELT: the Case of Japan).  111-145頁 (共著) 2002
■ 研究業績(学会発表)
1. 2023/12/06 Identification training adapted to the learner’s vowel space aids in improving native Japanese speakers’ pronunciation of American English vowels(Acoustics 2023 Sydney)
2. 2022/10/24 Individualized identification training aids in the pronunciation of American English vowels for native speakers of Japanese(ICA2022)
3. 2022/07/10 Exploring the impact of AI on EFL teaching in Japan(The XXIst International CALL Research Conference)
4. 2021/06/06 Improving the intercultural and higher order thinking skills of L2 learners through CBL and collaborative online international learning (COIL)(JALTCALL 2021 Conference)
5. 2021/03/12 Introducing the Basics of Xreading for Extensive Reading(Aoyama CALL Workshop 2021)