(Last updated : 2025-01-04 16:00:38)
  HIROSE Daisuke
   Department   Aoyama Gakuin University  Department of Comparative Arts, College of Literature
   Position   Professor
■ Specialization and related fields
History of Romantic and Modern Music, German Opera Studies 
■ Business career
1. 2012/04~2017/03 Aoyama Gakuin University College of Literature Department of Comparative Arts Associate Professor
2. 2017/04~ Aoyama Gakuin University College of Literature Department of Comparative Arts Professor
■ Belonging society
1. 1996/04~ The Musicological Society of Japan
■ Official position and committee in Univ.
1. 2020/04/01~2022/03/31 Aoyama Gakuin University Curriculum Coordinator
2. 2022/04/01~2024/03/31 Aoyama Gakuin University Chair
3. 2022/04/01~2024/03/31 Aoyama Gakuin University Chair
■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. ~  German music in the late 19th - former 20th centuries, especially the music of Richard Strauss  (Key Word : )
■ Book and thesis
1. Article The Efficacy of "Excessiveness", A Review of Operas of the Twentieth Century by Seiji Choki. Hyosho: Journal of the Association for Studies of Culture and Presentation  (Single) 2017/04
2. Article "Historischer Wandel und musikalischer Ueberblick der Opern von Richard Strauss" Ein Versuch zur Entschluesselung des Verhaeltnisses zwischen Musik und Literatur bei den Opernwerken von Richard Strauss. Studienreihe der Japanischen Gesellschaft fuer Germanistik 115,pp.29-39 (Single) 2016/05